
Reporter Anthony Rubin Infiltrated a Migrant Caravan and Says He Was Kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel

‘A lot of the money comes from the United States’
By Grabien Staff


WATTERS: "Did you run into any trouble with the cartels?"
RUBIN: "We got kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel as we were about to cross into the United States."
WATTERS: "And they released you because they knew you were going to appear on 'Jesse Watters Primetime?'"
RUBIN: "I suppose. Well, I did warn them of that. I said, 'Guys, you don’t want to do this.' (Laughter) But no, that's exactly what happened. They took us, they blindfolded myself, they put a hood of my brother’s head, and we got driven out to a middle of an abandoned field, to make the long story short. I mean, these are armed men with assault rifles, pistols at their hip, they drive us out to the middle of an empty field, open up the door, you know, they take the hood off my brother, they take the blind folds off myself, and I thought they were going to possibly put bullets in our head. Why else are we in the middle of this field? But they decided to lay out all of our electronics — to make a long story — they smashed it with a crowbar and they let us go. That was it. We actually had to go back — for this documentary, just so everybody is aware — we had to fly back into Mexico after the kidnapping, back into enemy territory, to recapture a lot of this footage that we lost. So when you watch this documentary, that’s actually two trips in one."

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