
Reporter Calls Out Mayorkas: How Can You Say the Safety of the American People Is Your Priority When an Illegal Immigrant Wearing an ICE Ankle Monitor Allegedly Raped and Killed 12-Year-Old Girl?

‘We screen and vet individuals’
By Grabien Staff


REPORTER: "Obviously, the media, the nation has had their eyes on the brutal crimes committed recently by illegal immigrants. One of them was actually wearing an ankle monitor. Yet, this morning you said in an interview that the safety of the American people is the priority and that these individuals are vetted. But we know in our conversations with the ICE director, we heard the FBI director say that there are significant gaps in intel. So what would you say to reassure the American people that they are, in fact, safe, and what would you say to the families who are mourning their loved ones because of these migrant crimes being committed?"

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