
Reporter to Kerry: What’s the Carbon Footprint of These Events Every Single Year that You Come Here?

‘You think it’s worth it?’
By Grabien Staff


YEMINI: "What's the carbon footprint of these events every single year that you come here? Think it's worth it? Peasants pay for your crimes?"
KERRY: "That's a stupid question."
YEMINI: "Is it — is it really? Is it — is it more stupid than you traveling here to tell us -- sorry?"
UNKNOWN FEMALE: "You're done. We are done now!"
YEMINI: "Don't grab me. You can't grab us. This is a free society, mate. We have freedom of the press. Why do you think you're more important? Your carbon footprint doesn't matter, but everybody else around the world — "
KERRY: "I never suggested that. Nobody ever suggested that. Don't make up stupid questions."

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