
RFK Jr.: ‘Climate Change Is Being Used to Control Us Through Fear’

‘Freedom and free markets are a much better way to stop pollution’
By Grabien Staff


KENNEDY JR.: "First of all, let me just say this about climate. I believe that carbon in the atmosphere and methane does increase warming. Look around, you can see it everywhere. Ice caps are melting, etc., the Greenland ice sheet. I spent a lot of time outdoors and I see that over 69 years, I’ve seen the changes and I’ve seen the mass migration of animals, of southern animals like black vultures, the northern increase in their ranges. I’ve kept track since I was a kid about when the leaves turn and it’s steadily moved up each year, and so I see that, all of my senses are telling me that the warming is occurring. My opinion is basically, as I said, it's based on common sense. I agree 100% with you that this crisis is being used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls, the same way that the Covid crisis was, and it's the same people, intelligence agencies, it’s the World Economic Forum, it’s the billionaires boys' club at Davos, and it’s the same kind of cabal of people who will use every crisis to stratify society toward greater power for the super-rich and greater part of the military, greater power for the intelligence apparatus, and less power for everybody else. A war on carbon is not going to solve the problem if we don’t have a habitat left at the end. My approach to energy is using free markets and have not to


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