
RFK Jr.: I’m Not Doing Well with Baby Boomers Because They Get Their News from CNN, MSNBC, and Fox

‘Young people are getting their news from podcasts and long-form interviews’
By Grabien Staff


KENNEDY JR.: "I feel very good about where we are today and I‘m really happy to be here in Arizona. To me, it is clear why we are doing well among young people. A couple reasons. What is the one group I don‘t do well with? The people that know about my family which are baby boomers. But the problem with baby boomers I think is they get their news from MSNBC, fox and CNN. And whereas young people are getting their news from podcasts and wealth – and well-formed interviews. And they become less consumed with the orthodoxies, the things we are supposed to believe and know. But the other reason is there is no other candidate talking about what is happening with young people.” 

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