
Rich Lowry Explains to Tim Walz What Neighborliness Is, and It’s Not ‘Socialism’

‘Real human to human, personal connection, no government involved, no coercion involved’
By Grabien Staff


LOWRY: "No, that’s not how any of this works. A neighbor comes to me, I let him borrow my rake. That’s neighborliness. Elderly woman across the street needs her sidewalk shoveled in the snowstorm, that's neighborliness. We all get together, we throw a block party, that's neighborliness, real human-to-human personal connection, no government involved, no coercion involved. That’s called civil society, it existed long before the development of socialist doctrine, existed long before the practice of socialism, and will exist long after socialism is dead and forgotten. Socialism at its best is impersonal and inefficient, at its worst inhumane and monstrous. So don’t conflate neighborliness with socialism, governor. Although if you do come by, I will let you borrow my rake, even though I don’t really trust you."

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