
Rick Caruso on Pacific Palisades Wildfire: ‘You Can’t Fight a Fire Without Water!’

‘It’s all about leadership and management that we’re seeing a failure of’
By Grabien Staff


CARUSO: "But there hands have been tied. They can’t fight a fire without water, no resources that are needed. Everybody knew these ones were coming. The other question has to be, you know, with all the things in place to try to, again, mitigate the damage here, the real issue to me is twofold. We've had decades to go remove the brush in these hills that spread so quickly. And the second is, you gotta have water. And my understanding is the reservoir was not refilled in time and in a timely manner to keep the hydrants going. So that’s a failure whether on DWP's part or another city agency. But this is basic stuff. This isn't high science here. It’s all about leadership and management that we're saying a failure of. And all these residents are paying the ultimate price for that."

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