
Rick Tyler: ‘Donald Trump Has So Far Disproven the Theory We Need a CEO’ as President

‘If you’re worried about Texas, you know, you may as well give up the game’


TYLER: “My contention, Craig, is that — and it’s yet to be proven, because we’ve talked a long time about we need a businessman, a CEO mentality to run the government. But the government is not a business. And Donald Trump has -- has so far disproven the theory that we need a CEO. CEOs, they execute orders, they give orders and things happen. And that’s not the way the legislative process works. Presidents are consensus builders. And they have to work with the other party, they need to have to know how to build consensus and know what the opposition party wants to be able to give it to them, give them what they need to move forward. And they need to communicate to the American people and Donald Trump has failed on all these fronts. And CEOs in general, the ones I’ve worked with who've made it to Congress were enormously frustrated with the legislative experience because it’s just not the way they’re wired."

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