
Rick Wilson: The One Guy Keeping the Border Open Is Donald Trump

‘The Democrats have offered the best and most balanced border security bill that’s been out there in 45 years’
By Grabien Staff


WILSON: “Look, they’re going to take away the one thing Trump claims he has, which is strength on the border. Biden has offered and the Democrats have offered the best and most balanced border security bill that’s been out there in 45 years. And the people that are siding with the cartels and the coyotes and the smugglers and all the catalog of demons the Republicans talk about every day, the one guy keeping that border open is Donald Trump.”
REID: “Yeah. Demanding it.”
WILSON: “He's the one. And so Biden has a chance to invert this alleged strength that Trump thinks he has. If I were Biden, I would go down there and say, 'He built a wall that’s a joke, that we paid for. He never did anything except talk on this. And the dangerous parts of the border, especially on the drug smuggling side, the fentanyl smuggling side, those are people who now rely on Donald Trump for their business model.'”

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