
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: My Intention Is to Spoil the Race for Both Biden and Trump

‘No, I think I’m gonna win the race’
By Grabien Staff


KENNEDY JR.: “My I'm taking more votes away from President Trump and from President Biden, according to most of the polls, if you believe the polls. Oh, my intention is to is to spoil the race for both of them. No, I think I'm gonna win the race. I think the and I wouldn't have said that, and I didn't say it a month ago. So but I'm looking at the polls now and looking at the trends. I'm looking at the energy of the crowds that we have. I'm looking at the declining enthusiasm for the other two candidates and I'm You know, I have 11 months, I'm in better shape now than any independent candidates been since at Teddy Roosevelt.”

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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