
Ron DeSantis: I Don’t Think Anybody Wants to See U.S. Troops in Ukraine

‘Our number one threat is China’
By Grabien Staff


DESANTIS: “So, first, a vital national interest to me means we would potentially send troops there, and I don’t think anybody wants to see troops in Ukraine, and I would believe that in 2015 as well. It’s more of a secondary or a tertiary interest. So my policy is going to be very simple. Our number one threat to our country is from China, in terms of foreign threat. We also have a threat of being able to not secure our own border. Tens of thousands of people are dying every year because the cartels are running fentanyl. So you got to be strong at home if you want to be strong abroad. We are going to approach the world. Instead of Europe being the focus, like it has been since World War II — and it was understandable why it would be after World War II, NATO, stopping the Soviets, I get it — but now the Asia-Pacific really needs to be, to our generation, what Europe was to the post-World War II generation.”

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