
Ron DeSantis: Our Rights Come from God, Not the Government

‘That is now how our system works’
By Grabien Staff


DeSANTIS: "Well, I think the foundation of it is understanding the American project. Our rights come from God, not from the government. The Founders rejected the divine right of kings, and it used to be — some people did have rights, but it was courtesy of the state. That is now how our system works- We have these God-given rights, we loan power to the government under a Constitution to protect those rights And I think that what we've seen in a more modern society is we have seen an unmooring of those constitutional foundations. We have an administrative state which is totally out of control, it violates people's freedoms, it's really been weaponized against factions of the country that the ruling class doesn't like, and we need to reconstitutallize this government. But what we’re facing now, I think, is not what the Founders intended in terms of how this government should be operated."

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