
Ron Klain: At Times Like This, I Thank God that Joe Biden Is President, Not Trump

‘I think he did everything he had to do in the speech’
By Grabien Staff


KLAIN: “I agree with me earlier before this page which is a time like this I say thank god Joe Biden’s president, not Donald Trump. I thought that what so tonight was a safe and experienced president navigating some very difficult territory, doing so in a way that was persuasive and effective. I think he did everything he had to do in the speech. What unites the Israeli conflict and the Ukrainian conflict is that both the door. Support the president into a funding bill from Congress. Came into conflicts. Not a voting very persuasive another catch what he could — need continuous support for Ukraine. The alternative is allowing Putin to take over Ukraine. And who knows where goes from there. And whatever the economic cost of investing in defending Ukraine, it’s cheaper than a geopolitical risk and potential gigantic cost of Russian aggression unleashed in Europe.”

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