
Ronny Chieng: ‘I’m Pretty Sure Kamala Can Handle World Leaders ... She Did Just Overthrow the POTUS’

‘He’s like, I don’t want to say why she would be a bad president, but you know... ‘


CHIENG: "To be fair, Trump does have some substantive criticisms of Kamala, but he can’t seem to say them without making it gross and personal. Like when he was asked about how he would do in negotiations with foreign leaders."

[clip starts]
INGRAHAM: "How will they consider a Harris presidency, just in geopolitical -- "
TRUMP: "They'll walk all over her."
INGRAHAM: "How so?"
TRUMP: "I think they will look at her, I think they'll walk all over her. She will be so easy for them. She will be like a play toy. They will look at her and they say, 'We can’t believe we got so lucky.' They are going to walk all over her. And I don’t want to say as to why, but a lot of people understand it."
[clip ends]

CHIENG: "He’s like, I don’t want to say why she would be a bad president, but, you know, the heehee and the hooha and the fellas get it. I’m pretty sure Kamala can handle world leaders, okay? I mean, she did just overthrow the president of the United States.”

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