
Rove: Trump Knows Jake Tapper and Biden Will Be Against Him During the Debate

‘I know what you two are trying to get me to do, I’m not going to fall for it’
By Grabien Staff

ROVE: "Exactly. Yeah. I think he’s got to do two things, teally conviction, short and — steely conviction, short and to the point. This is all going to be tossed out on appeal because this was a bogus deal, and I know what you two are trying to get me to do, I’m not going to fall for it. I’m going to talk about the things we care about which is the cost of living that people are finding it hard to keep up with, the crisis at our border, a sense of the decline in public safety in our cities. I’m going to talk about, you know, the fact that we’re no longer energy independent, I’m going to talk about the things that people are thinking about around the kitchen table, and I’m not going to get suckered into talking about this. It’s going to be tossed out on appeal because it was a bogus deal."

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