
Royal Expert on Trump, The Queen: Heads of State Don’t Bow to Each Other

‘It’s as simple as that’
By Grabien Staff


SEAWARD: "Michelle Obama just put her arm around the queen because they were talking about high healed shoes. I think she was showing the queen her shoes. But heads of state don’t bow to each other it’s as simple as that."
MAcCALLUM: "Anything in the history of the family sort of guide how she might feel about things like Brexit or how she might feel about the current government in the U.K.?"
SEAWARD: "The only thing we know is that she certainly was keen for Scotland when they had a referendum Scotland to remain united county Britain. And we think, but we don’t know, that the queen was in favor of Brexit. Probably for all the reasons she thought it would be better for her children and great grandchildren. But we don’t know that and if trump asked her about it, she certainly wouldn’t pass any opinions."

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