
Sara Murray on Hush Money Trial: ‘Acquitted Is the Worst Case Scenario for Democrats’

‘And this case is not a slam dunk’
By Grabien Staff


MURRAY: "I mean, he has succeeded. Look, I think that it's very likely this is the only trial that we are going to get before Election Day. And this case is not a slam dunk, which means that Donald Trump may very well not be convicted. Acquitted is the worst-case scenario for Democrats, because then its the only trial you have and Donald Trump gets to go out there and say, 'Joe Biden's prosecutors,' which, again, not true, 'came after me, his Department of Justice came after me, and they still didn't convict me. I'm still innocent.' I also think you could end up somewhere in this sort of muddy middle where you end up with a hung jury, a jury that cannot reach a verdict. And then this truly does just get kicked to the voters to decide. Look, we're not going to have any kind of convictions here or nothing else could potentially go to trial. It's up to you to decide if this is someone that you want to live with in the White House."

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