
Scarborough Blasts Netanyahu: Why Would You Allow This Man To Run Your Country When He’s Responsible for Hamas Running Loose?

‘He was too interested in dividing one Israeli against the other’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: “How in the hell did Benjamin Netanyahu's government allow that to happen? You can't ask those questions. We're fighting. Why would you allow this man to continue running your country when he is responsible --“
BRZEZINSKI: “I think they're asking that question --“ [crosstalk]
SCARBOROUGH: “-- when he is responsible for Hamas being able to run loose in Israel, and commit to worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust. We know the nature of Hamas. We know their stated goal has always been to kill Jews, to destroy Israel. Yet Netanyahu was funding them. Netanyahu had their war plans. Netanyahu did nothing. Netanyahu, he was asleep at the switch when this happened.”


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