
Scarborough Claims the World Would ‘Spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden Wasn’t President

‘Look at the way Donald Trump behaves’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: “Claire, I'm so glad you talked about marketing because the crisis we're going through right now where the world could really spiral into World War III, but it's not because a guy who's actually had 50 years of experience, it shows the contrast between a guy obsessed with marketing his brand, a guy obsessed with gestures, a guy who governed by gesture, versus, well, Joe Biden, who has 50 years of experience. And when a deal goes sideways on the hostages, he can pick up the phone, he can call, he can get it done. When he meets with President Xi at a critical meeting, he can actually -- they -- they -- they have experience. You know, they've got over a decade of experience working with each other when both of them were number two in their countries. Experience matters. And the contrast, it makes so angry when people are talking about, 'Oh, Joe Biden, he's out of it. He's this -- he -- no, he's not. On Joe Biden's worst day he's light years ahead of Donald Trump on policy, on politics, on diplomacy.”


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