
Scarborough Goes Off on ‘Absolute Clowns’ Trashing Trump Coverage: ‘We’re in a Fight for American Democracy’

‘I am still shocked by the clowns who claim to be media critics out there’
By Grabien Staff

(Via Mediaite)

Joe Scarborough rebuked those who would complain about the media’s coverage of Donald Trump by pointing to the necessity of tracking the former president’s blatantly xenophobic comments.

Morning Joe started Monday off by looking at Trump’s 2024 rally in New Hampshire, where he approvingly quoted dictators and went off on how South American, African, and Asian immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.” Since this is only the latest example of Trump’s stridently anti-immigrant rhetoric, Mika Brzezinski reminded viewers that the media covers this because Trump is still the Republican frontrunner, and “this cannot be normalized.”

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