
Scarborough: It’s Never Going To Look Like Beatlemania When Biden Steps Off a Plane Going to an Event; Biden Is About Normalcy

‘The Republican Party in North Carolina and the gubernatorial candidate ... are so extreme’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: “Joe Biden, you know, it's never going to look like Beatlemania when Joe Biden steps off a plane going to an event. Joe Biden's -- Joe Biden's about normalcy. And by the way, if you don't think that's a winning message in '24 you're not talking to the right voters, who even if they voted for Trump in '16 are exhausted now. I do want to say, Mika, following up on what Claire said, let's compare what happened in Oregon last night which thank God, they voted in some moderate DAs. Thank God after the chaos in Oregon over the past eight years maybe they're -- they're returning to the middle.”


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