
Scarborough: Rape Victims Cannot Get the Treatment Because of Trump and Have To Flee the State

‘Lots of luck with that, Donald, it’s going to be a long year’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: “All of those young women whose lives have been made a living and breathing hell, because of Donald Trump and that list of people, Donald Trump can expect and he should expect, and he deserves to expect, to hear that throughout 2024 along with a clip that said, 'Yeah, I was the one who killed Roe v. Wade.' He's the one who made their lives a living and breathing hell. He's the one who made women bleed out outside of operating rooms where they could have been saved. Because, well, Donald Trump and Leonard Leo and -- and --"
BRZEZINSKI: "Who's Leonard Leo?"
SCARBOROUGH: "-- Leonard Leo's the guy that's got $1.4 billion now --"
BRZEZINSKI: "Head of the Federalist Society."
SCARBOROUGH: "-- trying -- trying to -- to -- to rig every federal judiciary selection. He's already done to the U.S. Supreme Court. And you sit back and you wonder, 'Why in the world, why in the world do we have 10-year old girls who were raped by illegal immigrants having to flee the state, having to run for their lives to get an abortion?'”


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