
Scarborough Rips ‘Triggered Little Snowflakes’ Going After Taylor Swift: ‘You Just Can’t Win ... Just Shut Up!’

‘This cannot be real!’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: “Now these weenies, these little snowflakes, these -- these -- these -- these triggered little snowflakes are now going after Taylor Swift. I mean, if you Taylor Swift you just can't win. Like, she was -- she was -- she was -- she was called -- well actually she wins all the time."
HEILEMANN: "Yeah, she wins every day."
SCARBOROUGH: "Every time."
HEILEMANN: "Every day."
SCARBOROUGH: "But politically remember the left used to attack her? Oh, she's like this right-wing Nazi type --"
SCARBOROUGH: "-- figure. And now it's the right attacking her. It's just like, just shut -- shut up."


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