
Schumer on Border Bill: ‘If We Don’t Defend Ourselves ... We Don’t Want This To Be Like 1938’

‘We’ve got a lot of dictators linking up, Russia, China, Iran’
By Grabien Staff


SCHUMER: “There's a big group of hawks in the middle, and they care about funding Ukraine, they always have. And the strategy of Johnson is right now do nothing. There's a large number of pro-Israel people, they care about that. Then there's a large number of -- of progressive legislators, I'm included, who want to see that Gaza, the people in Gaza don't starve and we get that aid to them. Plus, there are some who care about Taiwan and there's money there to bolster us against China's aggression there. You know, we're in an aggressive world and we got a lot of dictators linking up Russia, China, Iran. If we don't defend ourselves -- we don't want this to be like 1938.”


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