
Scott Jennings Battles Ana Navarro: What Level of Lying Is Acceptable? Biden Telling One Less Lie than Trump?

‘Is that the bar you want to sit?’
By Grabien Staff


JENNINGS: "So what level of lying is acceptable? This is what I don't get about this Biden versus Trump lying debate. Apparently, if you tell one less lie than Donald Trump, that's good enough. Is that the bar you want to set? This is a scandal. What has been covered up about Biden for the last three and a half years or more by his staff, by Democrats — look at this George Clooney op-ed. 'Well, three weeks ago, you know, we all saw it.' Why didn't anybody say anything that night? It's not that they care about the office of the president. It's that they care they're losing. That's why it's coming apart."

NAVARRO: "I think you got it all wrong when I think it was — listen, this is not an administration that has lied. It just hasn't. Okay, you can laugh and you can stop."

JENNINGS: "Not one lie? Not one lie?"

NAVARRO: "No, but you supported an administration that lied about the size of the crowd at the inauguration, that lied for a living."

JENNINGS: "Do you honestly expect us to believe that they've never lied?"

NAVARRO: "I think you're confusing administrations.”

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