
S.E. Cupp: ‘Political Malpractice’ to Allow Biden to Keep Nomination

‘Sticking with this man is infuriating’
By Grabien Staff


CUPP: “He cannot do another four years. He cannot beat Donald Trump. I feel a bit hoodwinked and I‘m angry. And as a Nikki Haley voter, there are lots of us, millions of us, in fact, who were still voting for Nikki Haley even after she conceded, there are lots of us to be gotten. And if Democrats really wanted to invigorate the ticket, they get rid of Joe Biden with a very nice thank you, thank you for doing the job. Now it‘s time to move aside and we‘re going to put someone in who can win millions of me, who gave the vote in the first place, and the rest of the votes that are up for grabs that are not already with Donald Trump. That they are sticking with this man is infuriating, irresponsible, and it‘s political malpractice."

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