
Sec. Raimondo: The Greatest Leverage to Use on China ‘Is to Have a Stable and Significant Commercial Relationship’

‘And I will say, I met at the very high levels of the Chinese government, including the premier, and they recognize that’
By Grabien Staff


RAIMONDO: "I think the greatest leverage, to use your word, is that it's in the U.S. interest, it's in China's interest, indeed, it's in the world's interest for the U.S. and China to have a stable and significant commercial relationship. And I will say, you know, I met at the very high levels of the Chinese government, including the premier, and they recognize that. We have plenty of tools in our toolbox, in my case export controls, outbound investment screening, tariffs, countervailing duties. We do have sticks, if you will. And we are very ready, willing, and able to use those as necessary."

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