
Sen. Britt on Obama Giving Billions of Dollars to Iran: He’s Trying to Make an Excuse for Barbaric Terrorism

‘Give them unlimited resources and just expect them to play nice?’
By Grabien Staff

BRITT: "The terror took a bit of  this the atrocities, who funded  than and where did this funding  come from, what did we think  the result would be, give  people who chant death to  Israel, death to America, give  them unlimited resources and  expect them to play nice.  look at Hamas, we look at Iran,  funding Hamas, funding  Hezbollah in lebanon, funding  the houthis and lemon, they are  funding and training them.  Hamas has said their goal is to  eradicate the state of Israel.  what we are seeing, the  anti-Semitism we have seen  here, it is a fundamental crack  in our nation that we can’t  just sit here and call evil  evil and you have a former  president trying to make an  excuse for barbaric,  disgusting, despicable  terrorism?"

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