
Sen. Coons: Donald Trump Had a Horrifying Debate Performance

‘What he said was lie after lie after lie’
By Grabien Staff


COONS: "Look. I think it was a weak debate performance by President Biden. He had a scratchy, roughy — excuse me. A scratchy, rough voice, and he answered in ways that were not forceful, but I hink side by side, Donald Trump had a horrifying debate performance. Yes, he spoke plainly, but what he said was lie after lie after lie that left most of those who watched either confirmed in their opinion to vote for Joe Biden or alarmed at the prospect of Donald Trump. The polling I’ve seen after the debate has actually moved in the direction of Joe Biden. So I do think it’s for Joe Biden to make any decision about his campaign, his debate prep, his path forward, but I was reassured that the next day we would see the Joe Biden who I’ve seen day in and day out on the world stage who gave a compelling, strong speech on the beaches of Normandy, who was in command of the room at the G7 in Italy."

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