
Sen. Ed Markey on FBI Investigation: ‘Obviously a Coverup,’ ‘Mockery’ of Constitution

‘The FBI, the White House and the Senate leadership are just turning a deaf ear’
By Grabien Staff


HARLOW: “Let’s begin with the fact we know that the FBI had extensive conversations with nine people. OK? Nine. Nowhere near the full list of those who were turned over to them recommended to them by Democrats and Republicans that they should talk to. We know that Ford and Kavanaugh did not speak to the FBI. They did not interview them. In your view, is this a fulsome and credible investigation?”
MARKEY: “It’s obviously a cover-up. The Trump White House working with the Republican leadership in the Senate have deliberately circumscribed this so that only a small handful of people will be questioned. And if any leads are developed that the FBI is not allowed to follow them in order to determine the truth of what happened. And whether we’re talking about Debbie Ramirez, or we’re talking about James Roche, or we’re talking about many other people who have come forward to say they are willing to give information." 

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