
Sen. Graham on Georgia Grand Jury Recommending Charges Against Him: ‘We’re Opening Up Pandora’s Box’

‘We can’t criminalize senators doing their job’
By Grabien Staff


GRAHAM: “I didn’t find any evidence of mass voter fraud, but I did have concerns about the mail-in ballot systems in Georgia and other places. This is troubling for the country. We can’t criminalize senators doing their job when they have a constitutional requirement to fulfill. It would be irresponsible for me, in my opinion, as chairman of the committee, not to try to find out what happened. It would be irresponsible for me to tell the voters of South Carolina what I did without actually trying to find out what the right answer was. So, we’re opening up Pandora’s box here. Fulton County is one of the most liberal jurisdictions in the country. I fear this will spread, that the next election Democrats may be on the other side of this. So, at the end of the day, nothing happened. What I did was consistent with my job as being a United States senator, chairman of the Judiciary Committee.”

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