
Sen. Kennedy: Biden Wants to Take Action on the Border Because He Is ‘Polling Right Up There with Fungal Infections’

‘President Biden is in trouble politically’
By Grabien Staff


KENNEDY: "Okay, I want you to listen up. Here's the — here's the drill. President Biden is in trouble politically. He's polling right up there with fungal infections.  Part of the reason for that is that he gave in to the loon wing of his party, and he dissolved is southern border. Now, five months before an election, he has to appear to be willing to do something about it, hence this executive order. And he expects you to report this epiphany that he has had, take what the White House is telling you, balance it on your noses like trained seals, and report it uncritically. For three years we have watched President Biden push on a door that has been clearly marked 'full.' He has mismanaged Congress, Covid, the national debt, the economy, inflation, crime, Afghanistan, Iran, the war in Gaza, the war in Ukraine, and now, of course, the border. And every time I think the president has hit rock bottom, he has managed to find a shovel and continued to dig. Hence, this executive order.” 

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