
Sen. Kennedy Rips Climate Activist Geoffrey Supran: ‘Are You Going to Call Me “A Sick Fu*k?”’

‘You often retweet stuff you don’t support?’
By Grabien Staff


SUPRAN: “These are not my tweets. These are retweets --“ [crosstalk]
KENNEDY: “Oh, you often retweet stuff you don't support? Is that what you're telling me, Doc?”
SUPRAN: “I did not say that I don't support this. I just simply did not tweet it, which as you're alleging --”
KENNEDY: “But you retweeted them, didn't you?”
SUPRAN: “I'd like to make very clear that this form of --”
KENNEDY: “But you retweeted them, didn't you?”
SUPRAN: “-- character assassination is characteristic of the propaganda techniques of fossil fuel --“ [crosstalk]
KENNEDY: “You -- you retweeted them, didn't you?”
WHITEHOUSE: "Senator Merkley.”
SUPRAN: “Thank you.”
KENNEDY: “Are you going to call me a sick fu*k?”


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