
Sen. Kennedy to Biden Judicial Nominee: ‘You Have More Sympathy for Criminals than Victims, Don’t You?’

‘You’re embarrassed to answer my question’
By Grabien Staff


KENNEDY: “Judge Lipez, you — you have more sympathy for the criminal than the victim, don’t you?”
LIPEZ: “Senator, I worked on behalf of victims of crime zealously as a prosecutor. As a judge I listened carefully to — to understand impact on victims and I have always take that into account.”
Kennedy: “Do you know Micah Smith?”
LIPEZ: “Michael Smith, senator?”
Kennedy: “Micah, M-I-C-A-H. “
LIPEZ: “I don’t believe I know a Micah Smith, senator. No.”
Kennedy: “OK. I bet the victims of Micah Smith remember Micah Smith if you don’t.”


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