
Sen. Warren, CNBC’s Kernen Clash Once Again: ‘Did You Invite Me on Here Just to Lecture to Me?’

‘I let you finish!’
By Grabien Staff


WARREN: "I let you finish. What the academic studies show is that industry by industry, when you see more competition, which suggests more pricing power, what we saw is that profit margins went up, and that’s the problem we’ve got. It’s that states have tools to deal with this locally, but right now we want to make sure that the FTC has the tools to do it nationally and that the states that don’t have price gouging laws also have access to those same tools."
KERNEN: "We have anti — "
WARREN: "In the same way that the FTC, for example, has tools to be able to deal with deceptive pricing and deceptive advertising, it should have the ability to deal with price gouging. It's just another tool in the toolbox to say, we support competitive markets -- "
EVANS: "For a state of emergency? Is it for a state of emergency?"
WARREN: " — that the whole point is — I let you finish your argument. Did you invite me on here just to lecture to me?"
KERNEN: "No, I just want to ask you — okay."
WARREN: "The whole point is to get markets that are more competitive, and that’s the job of the FTC. That’s something state attorneys general work on. We just want to put one more tool in the toolbox when CEOs are going on the phone saying, 'Boy, inflation is great because it gives us a chance to raise our prices.'"

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