
Shermichael Singleton: Supporting Both Green New Deal and Fracking Are Not Consistent

‘The end result of supporting the Green New Deal is to end fossil fuels’
By Grabien Staff


SINGLETON: "I mean, it's thousands of jobs for people who live in Pennsylvania. And when you say that you support the Green New Deal, but you also support fracking, those two ideals are not consistent. The end result of supporting the Green New Deal is to end fossil fuels. You can’t say, 'I support this, but also, by the way, you can have your fracking too.' So for people in Pennsylvania, those skeptical folks that are in the middle, that five percent that may determine which way that state goes, they’re going to look that and they'll say, well, is this political pandering, is this political expediency, is vice president saying whatever she needs to say to potentially win, but she doesn’t believe it? And we weren’t clear. She didn’t give a clear or decisive answer in that regard."

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