
Steve Moore: Biden’s War on Energy Makes America More Vulnerable on Every Front

‘I don’t understand the war on American energy’
By Grabien Staff


MOORE: “You know, I think this one maybe Robert and I will agree on. I just don’t understand this war on American energy. It’s bad for the American economy because oil and gas development is a major part of our economy. We have more oil and gas than any other country in the world. It’s also bad for our national security because when we have to allow the oil and gas to come from countries like Russia and countries like Iran, it makes America more vulnerable. And we know that terrorists — we know that, for example, that what’s happened in Israel, that those rockets were really funded with petrodollars. So, I don’t see the logic of this and I think it’s bad on every front and Biden should reverse this policy. And let’s do what Donald Trump says, let’s drill, baby, drill.”

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