
Steve Moore: ‘You Could Easily Cut 20-30% of Federal Spending and a Lot of People Wouldn’t Even Miss It’

‘We can do hundreds of billions’
By Grabien Staff


MOORE: “Well, maybe, but, you know, I think — look, I think we can do hundreds of billions. Would you take that? It’s still a lot of money we’re talking about. There is so much waste in this budget. I think you could easily cut 20 to 30 percent of federal spending and a lot of people wouldn’t even miss it. You know, I don’t know if you saw the other day, I was on another Fox program and Elon Musk said, saw what I said, which is, you know, you go into these federal office buildings and they’re empty. There’s nobody in them. You know, it’s craziness. What are they doing?”

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