
Strassel: RFK Jr. Choosing Nicole Shanahan as VP, Puts Much More of a Progressive Stamp on that Party

‘Republicans are certainly eager to point out that it is another liberal option and to present it as an alternative to President Biden’
By Grabien Staff

STRASSEL: "Look, I think especially now that he’s to getting all of this attention and Democrats are helping him to get attention with their efforts to keep him off the ballot and tarnish him, I think he still has room to grow because there is a lot of dissatisfaction out there, Paul. And Democrats, I think, are also right to be concerned. Some polls have suggested that he is polling — pulling support from both sides almost evenly. But I think with his decision to choose Nicole Shanahan, it puts much more of a progressive stamp on that party, and Republicans are certainly eager to point out that it is the another liberal option and to present if it as an alternative to President Biden. And this is why you see Democrats in a panic."

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