
Sunny Hostin: Haitians ‘Revitalized’ Springfield, Ohio

‘They are contributing to the town’s growth’
By Grabien Staff


HOSTIN: “These baseless racist attacks against the Haitian community must stop. Haitians are dignified people, Haitians are hardworking people --"
BEHAR: "They are, sure. Yeah."
HOSTIN: "-- and they are people fleeing a corrupt country and government. They are here legally under an immigration program. They have temporary protected status. And white supremacists have now rallied in the city of Springfield, Ohio. They have denounced immigrants at local public meetings. And on Thursday, several public buildings, including a school and the city hall, were evacuated after receiving bomb threats. Let me say this, Haitians have also said, told ABC News, that they are now scared for their lives. Haitians, which now I think are about 15 percent of the Springfield, Ohio population, have been credited with revitalizing that city."


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