
Survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution Compares Trump’s Arrest to Communist China

‘I have to say, I think America is quickly becoming a communist country’
By Grabien Staff


VAN FLEET: "Rachel, thank you for having me. I have to tell you, I’m 64, I experienced a lot. I lived through the most brutal communist regime in China and I witnessed a lot. And now I will count one of the darkest moments that I witnessed is the day when the former president of the United States was indicted and mugshot in Georgia prison. I have to say, I think America is quickly becoming a communist country. Our rule of law has been turned into what Marxists called proletarian dictatorship. The party in power is after its political oppositions. And it’s not just the president, but people like activists and they’re now in jail. They are political prisoners in the free country of the United States."

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