
Swalwell: ‘Bananas’ to Say the FBI Helped Hide Reporting of ‘Nonconsensual Reporting’ into the Bidens

‘You should be a party of ideas not a party of non consensual news to help you win an election’
By Grabien Staff


SWALWELL: “Chairman I've counted in this hearing, and we're only about an hour and a half in the use of the word laptop about 20 times. In fact, in the chairman's opening statement, he said that he's upset that he believes the FBI prevented more Americans from learning about a private citizen's laptop. That is bananas to me. You all are bringing up FISA every single question. You're essentially saying to the American people that you're guardians of personal security and privacy, but the 2020 election was determined --”
JORDAN: "Will the gentleman yield?”
SWALWELL: “-- because of the FBI note, because the FBI didn't let more Americans see a private citizen's, non consensual nudes. Is that what we're saying here? That you lost the election, not because of your ideas, but because of private citizen's laptop --”
JORDAN: "Do you want an answer? Will you yield?”
SWALWELL: “-- wasn't out there?”
JORDAN: "Will you yield?”
SWALWELL: “Well, that's -- that's bananas.”


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