
Swalwell: House GOP ‘Has Become a Law Firm with One Client, Donald Trump’

‘ And so, this is all about just putting Donald Trump in charge’
By Grabien Staff


SWALWELL: “Many of McCarthy’s folks go to the January 6th prisoners and visit them to give them comfort and aid. And so, they have never accepted President Biden as a legitimate president. And this week, even as we are hurtling towards shut down, they will hold impeachment proceedings, which is just a continuation of the insurrection. And so, this is all about just putting Donald Trump in charge. The House, unfortunately, has become a law firm with just one client, Donald Trump. And again, it is at the expense of American people, who have needs on bringing their health care costs down, keeping their kids safe in school. You know, in just a couple of days, student loan repayments will to start back up, and so people are going to feel the pain there. They need action on these issues. Again, instead, all they get from the House Republicans is actions for one client, and that is the twice impeached, 91 count-indicted former president."


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