
Symone Sanders Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Not a Threat to Biden Because There Won’t Be a Primary or Debate

‘[DNC] is not going to set up a primary process for debates for someone to challenge the head of the Democratic Party’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: "And -- and Symone, on -- on the Democratic side, Bobby Kennedy Jr. doing well, he's at 19 percent, hasn't really gotten that -- that much out there. I mean, it's -- and I'm starting to hear more and more talk about him. Are we going to actually have a challenge here?"
SANDERS: "I'm trying not to laugh, Joe. There's not going to be --"
SCARBOROUGH: "Wait, can I just -- can I stop you for a second?"
SANDERS: "Yes." [crosstalk]
SCARBOROUGH: "Do you know how many people said the same thing about Donald Trump --"
BRZEZINSKI: "That's true."
SCARBOROUGH: "-- in 2015 on this show?"
SANDERS: "Yes. And I --"
SCARBOROUGH: "Said the same exact --"
BRZEZINSKI: "Laughed."
SANDERS: "Yes. Because there was going to be a Republican primary. But I really think that the mealy mouthed Democrats, as I like to call them, and some of my progressive friends who would like to live in a fantasy land, they need to come back to reality. And the reality is this. The sitting president of the United States of America is a Democrat, a Democrat, that would like to run for reelection, so much so that he has declared a reelection campaign."
SANDERS: "In that case, the Democratic National Committee will not facilitate a primary process. There will be no debate stage for Bobby Kennedy, Marianne Williamson or anyone else --" [crosstalk]
SCARBOROUGH: "Then we're going to have another Bobby Kennedy and an empty chair in the debate, right."
SANDERS: "There will be no debating."
SCARBOEOUGH: "Yeah, no debating." [crosstalk]
SANDERS: "The Democratic National Committee administers the debates and they're not going to set up a primary process for debate to -- for someone to challenge the head of the Democratic Party."


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