
Tarlov to Pirro Upon Reacting on Covid Vax Safety: ‘You’re Fine, You’re Vaccinated — What Are You Oohing?’

‘I also think they need to figure out a system to stop people from spreading rumors’
By Grabien Staff


TARLOV: “Like when Brony James, for instance, collapsed while playing basketball for USC, immediately it was because of the vaccine. It was not because of the vaccine, but that became the leading story. The James family released a statement 48 hours later, but the damage had already been done from that. You need to find some safe middle ground where people know that the vaccine is safe for you, but you don’t — "
PIRRO: "Oh..."
TARLOV: "Oh? Well, what do you -- you look -- you’re fine, you’re vaccinated. What are you, 'Oh?' It’s your turn."
PIRRO: "It's your segment."

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