
Taylor on MTG: The Republicans Who Fomented an Insurrection into the U.S. Capitol Are Now Doing One Within the Republican Conference

‘And this I think, is the start of it’
By Grabien Staff

TAYLOR: "It signals to me that the same Republicans who fomented an insurrection into the United States capitol are now doing one within the Republican conference, and this I think is the start of it. I suspect that after this week long recess, you are actually going to see the temperature go up a little, rather than down. And Johnson will be in a very difficult predicament. Now he was able to claim victory this week with the passage of the foreign aid bill, but actually think there is a good chance that this might be one of those things that is the last victory of rational Republicans before what I would call a mass extinction event. What do I mean by that? I mean in this it showed the radical wing of the party that the rational wing still has some influence and it is going to be infuriating to them. People Mike — like Michael mccall, my former boss on Capitol Hill — Capitol Hill — l hill —"

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