
TDS’ Chieng on Dick Jokes on Trump: ‘Taking the Moral High Ground Doesn’t Work Anymore’

‘Just like Trump’s dick’


KLEPPER: "I would be careful, Ronny. Trump might actually whip out his genitals."

CHIENG: "Right. Well, if he does, that would be a micro-aggression.
(Cheering and Applause)
See how easy this is? It’s not hard at all. Just like Trump’s penis."

(Cheering and Applause)

KLEPPER: "Okay. Okay. Look, Ronny, I don’t think it’s going to be effective to ignore policy and just accuse your opponents of having small dicks. I mean, whatever happened to 'When they go low, we go high?'"

CHIENG: "Oh, yeah, whatever happened to that brilliant 2016 strategy that totally worked out for them? I mean, face it, Jordan. Taking the moral high ground doesn’t work anymore. Just like Trump’s dick!"

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