
Teamsters Union President: Sen. Mullin Saying We’re ‘Consenting Adults’ Was Bizarre; ‘Sounded Like He Wanted to Date Me’

‘Make up your mind; Do you want to date me, fight me, bite me, or shoot me?’
By Grabien Staff


O’BRIEN: “Yeah, I mean, it was bizarre at best. We were at that hearing to testify. We had the privilege of being invited to testify of the value of unions and how we can work together bipartisan. And, obviously, I used those hearings as an opportunity to hear the different side of opinions and see how we can adjust and maybe work together. It was the most bizarre thing I have ever seen because, first, he says we’re contenting adults, which was bizarre because it sounded like he wanted to date me. Then he asked to fight me. And I’m hearing now he wanted to bite me. And then, the last post he made was in front of a cache of automatic weapons where he says ‘anytime, anyplace.’ So, make up your mind; Do you want to date me, fight me, bite me, or shoot me? It’s crazy. We were there for one reason and one reason only, it’s to tell our side of the story and get some feedback and maybe develop some relationships for the betterment of working people.”

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