
Ted Cruz Grills Biden’s Judicial Nominee Over Her Ruling to Put a Serial Rapist in a Woman’s Prison

‘Do they have the right not to have a six-foot-two man who is a repeat serial rapist put in as their cellmate?’
By Grabien Staff


CRUZ: “I asked you a question. I asked you a question. Do they have a right not to have a 6’ 2” man who is a serial rapist put in as their cellmate? Do those women have a right to that?”
NETBURN: “Every person who’s incarcerated has the right to be safe in their space.”
CRUZ: “But you didn’t think so? You didn’t think so. And in fact, I’m going to give some quotes from your order. Because Senator Kennedy is right. This is not a judge’s order. This is a political activist. By the way, the beginning of your order says at birth, people are typically assigned a gender. I got to say that would astonish a lot of Americans. A lot of Americans think you — you go to the hospital, a baby’s born and congratulations, you have a little boy, a little girl. The assigned a gender, I know you went to Brown, but it sounds like it’s in a college faculty lounge with no bearing on reality.”


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