
Ted Cruz: I’ve Heard More Questions About Mitch McConnell’s Health in the Last 48 Hours than Biden’s ‘Mental Decline’

‘I probably have gotten upwards of fifty to seventy five questions from the Capitol Hill reporters all about Mitch McConnell’
By Grabien Staff


CRUZ: "Well, listen, the two recent health scares that that Mitch had, those were concerning, obviously. I’ve been praying for him. Heidi’s been praying for him. I'll tell you this. Mitch is stubborn as a mule. He and I have disagreed on a lot of issues, but he is — he’s been in the Senate a long time and I’m hoping he comes to a full and speedy recovery. I've got to say, Carl, one of the things that's striking, so we’ve all — the Senate’s been back in session for the last two days. In the last 48 hours, without exaggeration, I probably have gotten upwards of 50 to 75 questions from the Capitol Hill reporters, all about Mitch McConnell, Mitch McConnell, Mitch McConnell. And to all of the reporters. I just can’t help but laugh and I say, I’m curious, why have I gotten more questions in two days about Mitch McConnell's health than we’ve heard in two and a half years about Joe Biden's obvious mental decline. Joe Biden has his finger on the nuclear button, he’s the commander-in-chief, and none of the Capitol Hill press wants to address the very serious mental infirmities, not to mention more than one Democrat senator who has very significant health issues as well, and yet the press has utter and complete silence on those issues as well."

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